The game is functional... however...

I have good news, and bad news. Good news is, this game is functional to some capacity. Bad news is, there are a few issues, and a softlock glitch I am not strong enough to beat. That being said, this is a strong competitor to the Halloween Game Gen Fight Club, possibly my strongest. But I have a sinking feeling that it's not gonna be successful in reaching my goal. My goal is, aiming for second place.

Here's my reasoning:

Before the jam started, I had a concept in mind.  It was intended to be an escape room. However, due to my procrastination, and lack of coding experience, I had to cut it down to the simplest way possible. Now, that isn't to say that I couldn't make it work, but I did have to sacrifice some elements to make it work. The result, a diet-RPG escape room type of game which is completed by doing two fetch quests. The game works, but it doesn't sound as fun as I wanted it to be. I couldn't put the fun in fun-ctionality.

I know I'm going up against stronger competition, but I know regardless of the results, I did my very best to put out a game that works. It's just disappointing to me knowing that my strength was not enough, and is, what I think, is the lesson that will be learned when the final standings of this game will be. Eliminated and in last place. I am not saying this for pity points, or emotional manipulation. I am saying this for the sake of an honest retrospective.

Thank you all for checking out this game.


Cult Mansion (Beta 1.02).zip Play in browser
Oct 29, 2024

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